
Dara Dhillon Pty Ltd trading as Dhillon Real Estate (we, us) recognise the importance of protecting personal information. This document sets out how we collect, use, disclose, retain and manage your privacy information and how we comply with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Property and Stock Agents Regulation 2022.

By using our services and by using and continuing to use our website you consent to us collecting, maintaining, using and disclosing your personal information in the way described in this Privacy Policy.

This privacy policy applies to all situations in which we collect personal information directly from you. This includes, but not limited to, telephonic communication, communication by email and post, in person and through your authorised representatives.

This privacy policy may change as needed particularly as new rules, regulations and industry codes are introduced.

Why we collect personal information

We collect personal information to enable us to provide our services such as:

  • Processing inquiries
  • Facilitating the sale, purchase, advertising of properties and businesses
  • Recording persons entering a landlord or seller's property (e.g. for inspection, survey or appraisal purposes);
  • Facilitating the leasing of properties (including advertising the properties) and acting as property manager;
  • For our internal business operations;
  • Complying with our legal obligations;
  • Advising clients of additional services or information which may be of interest;
  • Maintaining and updating our business infrastructure and systems;
  • Insurance and governance purposes.

What personal information we collect

The personal information we collect will depend on the Service or Services we provide to you. Most commonly we collect your name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses, employment details, financial information, references (e.g. to support rental arrangements), copies of photo identification (e.g. driver's licence, passport, student ID) and any other information to enable us to assess your needs in relation the service.

How do we collect personal information

We generally collect personal information directly from you in person, by telephone, email or when you provide it to us through our tenancy application form. We may need to collect your personal information from third parties, for example, your representative (such as a legal adviser), your financial adviser, your employer, publicly available sources of information or any other organisations where you have given your consent to do so such as a tenancy database.

Disclosure of information

We will not use or disclose confidential information obtained while acting on behalf of a client or dealing with a customer, unless -

  • The client or customer authorises the use or disclosure, or
  • The agent is permitted or compelled by law to use or disclose the information.

Circumstances in which we may disclose your personal information to third parties include:

  • If you agree to the disclosure
  • When we use it for the purpose for which it was collected, e.g. as part of a sale or leasing process
  • To contractors and service providers who assist us in operating our business and providing our services
  • In circumstances where you would reasonably be expected to consent to information of that kind being passed to a third party
  • Where disclosure is required or permitted by law
  • If disclosure will prevent or lessen a serious or imminent threat to someone's life or health; or
  • Where it is reasonably necessary for the enforcement of the criminal law, a law imposing a pecuniary penalty or for the protection of public revenue.

All third parties with whom personal information is shared are required to meet our standards of personal information protection. However, we are not responsible for the conduct of third parties with respect to the handling of your personal information and we recommend that you check their privacy policies.


We strive to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of personal information we collect. We have established safeguards and use reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

We note any data transmission over the internet or information stored on servers accessible through the internet cannot be guaranteed to be fully secure. These activities are undertaken at your risk.

When the personal information that we collect is no longer required, we will remove or de-identify the personal information as soon as reasonably possible. We may, however, retain personal information for as long as is necessary to comply with any applicable law, for the prevention of fraud, for insurance and governance purposes, in our IT back-up, for the collection of any monies owed and to resolve disputes.

Marketing and opting out

  • We do not use Sensitive Information for marketing purposes.
  • If at any time you no longer wish to receive any additional marketing material from us or do not want your information disclosed for direct marketing purposes, contact our Privacy Officer and we will remove your details from our marketing database.

How you can update, correct, or delete your personal information

You may request access to your personal information or correct any inaccurate or out of date information by contacting our office.

You may request the source of any information we collect from a third party. We will provide this at no cost, unless under the Privacy Act or other law there is a reason for this information being withheld. If there is a reason under the Privacy Act or other law for us not to provide you with information, we will give you a written notice of refusal setting out the reasons for the refusal except to the extent it would be unreasonable to do so and the mechanisms available to you to complain about the refusal.

You should also contact us immediately if you believe:

  • Someone has gained access to your personal information;
  • We have breached our privacy obligations or your privacy rights in any way; or
  • You would like to discuss any issues about our privacy policy.

Further Information

If you would like further information on our Privacy Policy or if you have any concerns over the protection of the information you have given to us or that we have collected from others, please contact us at dara@dhillon.com.au.

More information about your rights and our obligations in respect to privacy and information on making a privacy complaint are available from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.